The Wyrd Sisters are the ancient triple goddess in one that determined birth, life and death. The fabric of life is a melody that you either can hum along to or sing full out. This Wyrd Sister is reknown for her uncanny ability to determine the key to all of your life's questions and give advice in all matters.
Do you have a question that needs answering? Email her below and she will answer you personally. Once a week she will choose a questioner ( and provide anonymity) and answer their question puclicly here.
Todays Question:
Dear Wyrdsisters:
I have lousy luck at finding appropriate lovers. What's the problem?
...always looking
Dear Looking,
The problem may be a tin ear, darling. Are you looking for someone to make beautiful music with, or are you simply thrashing around in the cacophony of musique actuelle? Perhaps you need to fine tune your self esteem and march to your own drummer for awhile. Desperation often leads to some terrible trainwrecks. Time to slow down the tempo. When you stop looking, love will look for you.